Home Others Tiny Touchable Music Tesla Coil with Bluetooth

Tiny Touchable Music Tesla Coil with Bluetooth

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Tesla coils are wonderful physics toys that put on an electric show. There are many large models that require a lot of space for proper operation. This Tiny Touchable Tesla Coil can fit on your desk. It comes with Bluetooth connectivity. It has two tiny knobs that you can use to adjust arc size and frequency. You can also use this to play square wave music. These types of tunes are available online but you can always use Audacity and other similar software to make your own.

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Tiny Touchable Bluetooth Music Tesla Coil Tested ⚡ @Gadgetify

This tesla coil may be small but it can excite various gases, including Neon, Argon, and Helium. It is completely safe to touch. Even at the highest level, you will feel a bit of tingling sensation but no real pain.


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