In order to get better at dart games, you need to practice regularly. The Pixeldarts is a Raspberry Pi powered electronic dartboard with a retro pixel display and programmable games and widgets. It uses sensors in each dart’s silicone suction tip and Nerf N-Strike Guns bullets to identify the position of each hit. This dartboard is smart enough to accurately track each player’s score.
Pixeldarts offers accurate position and projectile color recognition. It comes with a bunch of games for you to try, including Splash, Hostage Rescue, Spin the Wheel, and Bomb Defusal. A total of 10 games are expected to be available upon launch with more released in the future.
According to the developers, this dartboard will have an open API for developers. You will be able to try retro PICO-8 games. This board has a Raspberry Pi 4b inside. It has 1GB RAM and 32GB of storage space.