There are plenty of awesome wearable devices that can give you more information about your body. This Mi.Mu Glove is a different animal. It lets you control sound with your hands. That’s right! You can make music with these gloves and have more fun doing so. Being stuck behind computer screens and other equipment is not fun at all. Thanks to the Mi.Mu Glove, you can get things done with gestures and hand movements.
These gloves track the orientation of your hand, your fingers, hand posture, and direction. The information is sent to your computer wirelessly. The developers have come up with a software that allows you to combine glove inputs to give you more control when producing your own music. You can create parallel mappings and switch between sets.
Theses gloves have a number of sensors to gather data. One glove can receive data between multiple WiFi enabled device at once. This interesting wearable is on Kickstarter right now.