Home Gift Ideas MezmoTop Mesmerizing Kinetic Desk Toy

MezmoTop Mesmerizing Kinetic Desk Toy

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MezmoCoin Optical Illusion Spinning Top vs. $2 Knockoffs ⚈ Gadgetify

Remember MezmoCoin? It was a wonderful optical illusion spinning top that could spin for over 12 minutes. Its makers have a new mesmerizing toy for you to check out. MezmoTop resembles the shape of a falling raindrop hitting the surface of the water. It puts on a mind-bending show as you spin it.

You can order MezmoTop in Titanium or Stainless Steel. You can spin it in multiple ways thanks to its low gravity center. The stand can serve as a base for it (up to 6 minutes of rotation). This project is already killing it on Kickstarter. You can find it here.

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