WalkCar: a personal transporter that moves you around and fits in your backpack.
Segway Robot: a personal transporter that transforms into a robot and connects to your smart devices.
Gertie Robotic Desk Lamp: a robotic lamp that tracks objects and displays emotions.
Pinokio: an Arduino driven robotic lamp that can maintain eye contact with its subject.
Fisnar Desktop Soldering Robot: a robot designed for soldering jobs. It is suitable for electronic and circuit board manufacturers.
Bedfellow: robot bed that moves you around in your home. It is powered by an Arduino Mega.
SuperDroid Snow Plow Robot: lets you stay inside and plow your driveway.
Robot Snow Blower: here is another robot that lets you shovel snow from a distance.
WORX Landroid: a robotic lawn mower, fully programmed to handle inclines and declines up to 20-degrees.
4WD Remote Control Lawn Mower: another cool lawnmower that can be driven from a distance. It lets you cut the grass from your porch.
Jubie: a robotic helper that serves your guests and follows your commands.
Robo-Pong 2050: this robot serves as your ping pong training partner.
Omron Ping Pong Robot: the robot gives you some practice. It can calculate speed, ball location, and shot type to play.
Wireless Arduino Chess: this project lets you play chess against others from anywhere in the world. As the name suggests, this is powered by Arduino.
Robotic GlaDOS Ceiling Lamp: this is a 3D printable robotic ceiling lamp that should look familiar to Portal fans.