Home Mobile Goodies Cirotta Resistor AntiSpy Cover for iPhone 16/15, Samsung S24

Cirotta Resistor AntiSpy Cover for iPhone 16/15, Samsung S24

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Your smartphone has powerful microphones and cameras that you can use for content creation. Those same features can be used to spy on you if your phone is compromised. The Cirotta Resistor is an antispy smartphone cover that blocks your phone’s cameras and uses nano-speakers in front of its microphones to create a wall of noise to protect your privacy.

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Demonstration Resistor

The cover uses a smart algorithm to bypass your phone’s active noise filtering system. You can activate it by attaching the case to your phone and sliding the case lock into place. The first batch of these will go into production by the end of this year. You can support this project on Kickstarter.

[where to get it]

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