Meet the new AYANEO Pocket S: a 6-inch handheld gaming device powered by the Snapdragon G3x Gen 2 platform and Android. It has a 1440p borderless mirror, 16GB RAM and 1TB of storage space. It also has the Adreno A32 GPU with 1GHz speed. This gaming console features a gorgeous CNC-forged body with sandblasted finish. It also has a RGB Hall sensing joystick and Hall trigger crystal textured keys.
Pocket S has 3 vibration modes. It uses an active cooling system with a large area VC thermal plate to manage temperature under load. It comes with a key mapping feature for mobile gaming. Pocket S is only 14mm think. It has WiFi and Bluetooth 5.3. It runs Android 13.
[where to get it] [official site]
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